It’s been about 2 weeks since I started working out and it’s been good but tough. Being so out of shape, I have been pretty winded. I have built up a little tolerance, but Jason has done a good job to push me forward. I have been eating fairly healthy and have avoided sweets/desserts for the most part. Jason has wanted me to eat every 3-3.5 hours, which has been difficult because I am not used to it. The past month I have been eating mainly 3 meals a day to try to lose weight, but evidently that’s not the best way to do it. By eating more meals it keeps your metabolism more consistent throughout the day and ultimately burns off the calories more efficiently. I have been using a protein shake mix for some of my late evening meals or meals around 3pm between lunch and dinner. Sometimes I still miss, but it’s better than what I was doing before. I also have found that I don’t have such a starvation mentality when I can eat more meals. What I mean is that when I was eating 3 meals a day, I would sometimes think that I need to eat quite a bit so that I wouldn’t feel the hunger as much later on. What has been nice with the extra meals is that I don’t feel that pressure to need to eat a lot during the main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner.)
Also, I have never had a personal trainer before and it’s been excellent. In the past (high school, college and even as a working adult), I would mainly do upper body weights to look good and the only lower body exercises I would do was running or the elliptical machine. Jason has had me do a lot of leg work, squats, lunges, etc. because it’s important to work the major muscle groups to help speed up my metabolism. It’s been nice (most of the time!) to have someone to push me and to do some exercises that I would never have done before. I feel like I am getting a broad spectrum of exercises and muscle development. It’s also easier to go to the gym knowing you have someone rooting for you and trying to help you.
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